Useful Numbers

Urgent medical emergency


Urgent (non-life-threatening) medical treatment is required between 6.00pm and 8am


Minor Injuries Unit -  Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2JF

0114 271 1900

Walk-in Centre - Rockingham House, Broad Lane, Sheffield, S1 3PB

0114 241 2700

SPA Patient Line (24 Hours)

0114 226 6500

Health Visitor

0114 305 3224

Darnall Well Being

0114 249 6315

Young Carers’ Project

0114 258 4595

Sheffield Carers’ Centre

0114 278 8942

Midwife Clinics

0114 226 8091

Citizens Advice Bureau

0808 2787820

Andys Man Club

Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45, one man every two hours.  To find your nearest group visit their website: